Sunday 26 January 2014

Idaho's Fire Rainbow

The rainbow of Fire : A rainbow of Fire is an optical illusion caused by icy crystals in the clouds. These small ice crystals are aligned horizontally. They act like a prism and split the the light by refraction phenomena  into a multicoloured curtain.  The atmospheric phenomenon known as a circumhorizon (tal) arc, or "Fire rainbow", appears when the sun is high in the sky (i.e., higher than 58° above the horizon), and its light passes through diaphanous, high-altitude cirrus clouds made up of hexagonal plate crystals. Sunlight entering the crystals' vertical side faces and leaving through their bottom faces is refracted (as through a prism) and separated into an array of visible colors. When the plate crystals in cirrus clouds are aligned optimally (i.e., with their faces parallel to the ground), the resulting display is a brilliant spectrum of colors reminiscent of a rainbow. The example shown above was captured on camera as it hung for about an hour across a several-hundred square mile area of sky above northern Idaho (near the Washington border) on 3 June 2006.


Gerund and To infinitive

1. Her hobby is writing novel.
2. He enjoys reading newspapers.
3. I like swimming.
4. I'm worried about making a mistakes.
5. Before going to bed she turned off the light.
6. I'm tired of studying
7. The house needs painting
8. It's no use crying for him.
9. Smoking is not good for health
10. You can't be rich man without working.

To Infinitive:
1.I failed to be a good person.
2. I learn not to selfish to everyone.
3. I wish to be a success person on the future
4. I want to see you.
5. It’s nice to be sitting here.
6. To respect our parents is our duty.
7. He refused to obey the orders
8. He can speak five languages
9. You had better ask permission first
10. I had rather play than work.

Wednesday 15 January 2014


On my Holiday family and I went to Batu Hiu, Pangandaran. It was fun there, even we were did nothing at there. there were not permitted to swim there because the waves too dangerous. the people there said to my dad, the waves were suddenly whirlpool. so I just took pictures and look at the scenery,the wind were very strong. after we were played and took some photos, then we ate at food stalls around the area, the food was delicious. the food stall's owner recommended to us to saw turtle breeding, but we weren't going there because at the time was already afternoon.

After from Batu Hiu, we were going to my grandpa's house, because my cousin was already there.
Before New Year Eve, my family and I back to Bandung because my mother had a business. I spent new year eve at home with my family in the garden, while we were grilled a fish and at there.

And, i spent the rest of my holiday for doing my technical drawing homework with my sister help. the homework is made nirmana 2d, polikromatik and monokromatik. And sometimes i watched some films.

Chairman of the Student Council

Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Hello, my name is Danella, now I would like to tell you about my vision and my mission to be a chairman of the student council. First my vision is “Try to give and show good thing to all students, keep our spirit and solidarity. Then my mission are; 1) making the organization is an organization that SMART (Spry, Charming, Entnuasiastic, Diligent, and Through ), 2)Helps students become more compact, more often hold competations and events that requirete teamwork and cooperation. 3) Making osis into a container that holds and channel all the aspirations of the school community.

A leader also develops a vision of the organization's future. It is important to communicate this vision to members of the group, allowing them to respond and become part of the visioning process. You should build a vision with others. Visioning is a collaborative effort! Your group will grow and prosper by building commitment to a vision or dream that is shared by all. Telling others outside of the organization about the vision is important to the process of developing your own commitment to it.

"Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world. - (Joel Arthur Baker)

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

Saturday 11 January 2014

If Clause

     1.      (1) I will be happy If I meet my idols.
     (2) I would be happy If I had met my idols
     (3) I would have been happy if I had been met my idols

    2.       (1) I will be happy if there’s no racism
     (2) I would be happy if there was no racism
     (3) I would have been happy if there had been no racism

    3.       (1) I will be happy if I become smart without study
     (2) I would be happy if became smart without study
     (3) I would have been happy if had become smart without study

    4.      (1) I will be happy if I can make my parent proud of me
    (2) I would be happy if I could make my parent proud of me
    (3) I would have been happy if I could have made my parent of me

    5.      (1) I will be happy if there’s no homework
    (2) I would be happy if there was no homework
    (3) I would have been happy if there had been no homework

    6.       (1) I will be happy if I get a high score
     (2) I would be happy if I got a high score
     (3) I would have been happy if I gotten a high score

    7.       (1) I will be happy if I have a lot of money
     (2) I would be happy if I had a lot of money
     (3) I would have been happy if I had been a lot of money

    8.      (1) I will be happy if I have a lot of holiday
    (2) I would be happy if I had a lot of money
    (3) I would have been happy if I had been a lot of money

    9.     (1) I will be happy if I being loved
    (2) I would be happy if I were being loved
    (3) I would have been happy if I had been being loved

  10.   (1) I will be happy if I can hang out with my friends
    (2) I would be happy if I could hang out with my friends
    (3) I would have been happy if I could have hung out with my friends.

11.  (1) If I have 1 million dollars, I will save some of it
      (2) If I had 1 million dollars, I would saved some of it
      (3) If I had had 1 million dollars, I would have been saved some of it
      12.   (1) If I have 1 million dollars, I will buy a car
      (2) If I had 1 million dollars, I would bought a car
      (3) If I had had 1 million dollars, I would have been bought it
      13.  (1) If I have 1 million dollars, I will build a beautiful house
      (2) If I had 1 million dollars, I would built a beautiful house
      (3) If I had had 1 million dollars, I would have been built a beautiful house
      14.  (1) If I have 1 million dollars, I will donate some of it
      (2) If I had 1 million dollars, I would donate some of it
      (3) If I had had 1 million dollars, I would have been donate some of it
      15.  (1) If I have 1 million dollars, I will buy a new handphone
      (2) If I had 1 million dollars, I would bought a new handphone
      (3) If I had had 1 million dollars, I would have been bought a new handphone
      16.  (1) If I have 1 million dollars, I will buy a new laptop
      (2) If I had 1 million dollars, I would bought a new laptop
      (3) If I had had 1 million dollars, I would have been bought a new laptop
      17. (1) If I have 1 million dollars, I will invest it
     (2) If I had 1 million dollars, I would invest it
     (3) If I had had 1 million dollars, I would have been invested it
      18.(1) If I have 1 million dollars, I will go on holiday
     (2) If I had 1 million dollars, I would go on holiday
     (3) If I had had 1 million dollars, I would have been gone on holiday
      19. (1) If I have 1 million dollars, I will shopping
     (2) If I had 1 million dollars, I would shopping
     (3) If I had had 1 million dollars, I would have been shopping
      20.(1) If I have 1 million dollars, I will come to cosmoworld in Japan
     (2) If I had 1 million dollars, I would came to cosmoworld in Japan
     (3) If I had had 1 million dollars, I would have been came to cosmoworld in Japan