Monday 20 May 2013

Review Newspaper; 5 great ways to contribute to flood relief.

        it's been a difficult month for Jakartans facing inundation by floodwaters, and the rain doesn’t seem to be letting up yet. Whether you’re safe and dry or battling the waves at your doorstep, you may be wondering how you can help others who have lost possessions, homes, orloved ones in the floods. Here are five great ways you can help out your fellow Jakartans this month:
1. Donate money
There are many hard-working organizationswho help flood waters victims.
2. Stay safe
prepare a contingency plan to anticipate flooding, always follow the directions of emergency services personel, be keeping your self.
3. Stay connected 
You can search an information from social media.
4. Volunteer
You can join to the volunteer's organization.
5. Donate goods 

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